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Garden Design

Introducing Nicky, with an eye for detail and love for turning a blank canvas into a truly inspirational plan.

Office: 07519 289 631

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Our Garden Design Services

Start with a chat...

Nicky will get in touch to arrange a  free telephone consultation and a visitation to carry out a site survey. We begin by getting an understanding of all your wants and needs before measuring up the space. The telephone consultation lasts approximately 20 minutes and costs you nothing. 

​, an initial proposal.

After the site survey, Nicky will put together a budget proposal to make sure the design comes in at expected total costs and ticks the boxes you need it to. This is a perfect opportunity to ask questions and make adjustments. If the core elements of the project make sense, we can get cracking.


Let's get designing...

The design document will include a full site plan, layout, plant/material list, image board and a 3D model of the garden. All these elements will help you visualise the plan and also make the construction phase smooth. Design costs will have been agreed in the previous phase and we only ask for 50% up front and then the remaining once you're happy with the product. 


Digging begins!

Bringing a design to life is truly the fun part.  Similarly to the design phase, 50% of the labour and product costs are payable upfront. Our team will clear the space for bigger elements like decking, paving or foundations. Next we progress to the planting, pruning and laying a beautiful lawn. All the finishing touches we need to make you feel truly proud when you look out of the window each morning. 

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Get in Touch

James: 07519289631

Thanks for getting in touch

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